Monday, May 4, 2020

"Dancing Through Life" Book Review

Allen T. Brown's remarkable new book "Dancing Through Life" is a journey of self-discovery and learning how to live life to the fullest.  A true gem in the plethora available on the subject, Brown has written what may be the best book of the year.  The simplistic approach to his suggestions sprinkled with personal stories capture how we should be living our lives.

Brown grew up on a farm in Michigan and had dreams beyond his little town.  He ended up in Colorado and California, spending $12 to make $30 million through a commercial laundry business and real estate ventures.  He ended up becoming a ballroom dancer in his 80's and competing.  Brown knows that no matter what, people can achieve their dreams from starting with very little.

"Dancing Through Life" hits on all the things we should be doing that we WANT to do.  As adults, we've forgotten to have fun.  We live by the rules society tells us, not by the inner beat all of us have.  Brown lays out lists of exercises; some will have readers do a lot of soul searching.  There are also nuggets of wisdom like " It's time to start questioning every belief you've ever taught and what you have always assumed" and "You deserve to achieve your goals and your dreams.  Believing this is the first step."

Brown manages to hit a lot of nerves with this insightful book.  Readers will take away many reasons to start living their lives instead of just surviving. 

"Dancing Through Life" is available now where all books are sold.